Top Secret! Know the Secrets Of Perfect Snowflake!

Fibrani-Flocon Wool

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Shh! Shh! Don't tell anyone!

It's me, the Merino "Perfect Flake"! The other one's brother! Please tell me you met him, yes? Ha fiou! ...If you ever missed him, don't worry, you have time! ...After our interview, go on the blog to meet him. His name is Merlin, and he'll be "delighted" to introduce himself!

I have 100% Merino in my wool (I have no veins, I'm wool, but not even veins, my life expectancy is the same as yours, isn't it?). 100% we like it, right? Does that mean I'm perfect? 100%... I'll investigate that, but... I don't hate it, perfect...

All right, enough with the jokes, let's get back to the point!

Do you know about merinos? Do you know where I come from? From Spain! Si, Si Señorita, Senior! All of Familia !... Espanola.

Perfect Snowflake Family!

Familia, it makes me think before I forget, in the family Flocon there is the baby of the siblings, his name is (Fingering) there is the middle one (Dk) and I am the eldest (worsted, Flocon Worsted!).

I'm quite... as we say at home, good enough to marry. In the sense that I'm good to wear in winter, autumn, spring, summer. I'm useful all the time, all year round, perfect!

Do you want me at épouser ???? (sounds like I've heard that somewhere before...)

Now, where was I at exactly? Ah oui ! the Familia ! ... So the baby, is very useful for light knitwear in the summer knitting style or shawls, it must be said that it is well glued. 2 three turns on your neck, well glued, it likes ça ! Y'aime ça, y'aime ben, ben ça ! And y'é soft, soft as... a "lamb".

As for DK, he's great for sweaters and toques. And it's soft, soft as...

And me, Worsted, I'm "perfect" for sweaters, nice jackets, toques, collars, scarves, is that enough? It's like: are you perfect enough!

Forced to say also that, in the Flocon family, we bear our name well...

...Flake's way of looking at it.

Really! Look out the window outside, do you see them falling? They're coming down very slowly to the ground like feathers, but... let's say like feathery flakes, or rather... like flakes. Well... I know, you know what I mean. You're sitting there with your coffee in your hands, nice and warm on the edge of the window, close to the stove (or the furnace, depending on what you're looking at). And you're admiring the sight of the snow falling...

Don't tell me it's not beautiful, beautiful flakes... eh? Well, what can I tell you... We're the "Perfect Snowflakes", too! Light as a feather, airy and, what's more... Insulating! And we breathe like we breathe!

Quoi ? Did you say entendu ? Anyone got a problem with me suivre ?

OK... Let go of the window sill! Your coffee must be finished anyway, put on your coat, boots, toque, mittens or gloves and we'll go outside.

Perfect Snowflake says "Come on" gang... go!

Don't worry, well wrapped up with the Snowflake family for example, you'll be as good as on the window sill, near the stove. We'll come back later, just to knit some stitches... let's go out... good! Thank you!

You'll see, you won't regret it! ...Stop! Wait two minutes. Earlier I asked you to look outside, to see the snowflakes coming down to the ground... now I'm going to ask you to close your eyes, then take a deep breath. And another one, you know what I meant by breathe? Breathing? Feel how good that feels? It's crazy, huh? While you're at it, do you feel like taking a walk? A short walk or a long walk, whatever you want, we're good... we're not cold.

Yes, yes, it's 2021, I know that; but we have plenty of time, it's not 8:00 p.m. yet! And don't worry, when you read me again in a few years, you'll smile. And remember the good times. Like when we got to know each other for example, or how we took the time, time for ourselves, time for our family, time to read, time to call our friends, our children, for facetime.

In good company, you see how time flies, after all? We've already been walking together for 30 minutes, it feels good, doesn't it? Breathing, nice and warm, wrapped up in the "Snowflakes"!

Let's end on a high note!

I don't want to rush you, but we should think about going home, we have time, but... we should save some time to knit some stitches or why not some rows... because I want to!

(here boss idea)(and here)

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